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SONIC POTION is an album project still in the making, consisting of collaborations between myself & musician friends plus some inspiring samples taken from `live` & recorded performances.

It still requires a few more sonic ingredients in the mix to be fully EliXified. . . The inspirations so far. . .



2 - IS TO BE

Composed with my long time friend & music companion Zelos, created in the quiet hills inland from Byron Bay Australia. . . 


My reworking & expansion of a tune created by 2 longtime friends Mitsuo & Rukma. . . 


A full production from a recording by a fine suling (flute) player, Ainun from Banyuwangi (Java) who I hope to meet one day. . 

5 - 9 ANGELS


2 new tracks composed on my then new ´saz´ a 3 double stringed instrument built by my friend Philippe.

Guitar accompaniment by Canadian friend Michael. . . 

7 - .RE - BIRTH (Vocal mix)

Re-mix of my classic track with extra vox n flute from Szilvi

8 - KECAK 

Sampled from a recording on my Samsung mobile of a Kecak performance in Ubud, Bali. . .

Sampled from various overtone singers. . .


Compiled into a single track from improvisations while playing at many of Noga´s inspiring yoga classes at the Paradiso theatre Ubud. . . 



(All tracks arranged, produced & completed in Bali 2016/17/18 by Jaiv)

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