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. . . Once a jolly swagman. . . That first line of the most well known and loved Australian folk song, that for me epitomises a big part of the Australian spirit. One that calls to freedom. . . living an adventurous life of fortune & glory. . .

   Although I like the traditional folk versions and melody of the original song, I wished to create something unique that had not been done before, & also for me captured the many years I spent travelling around much of Australia, especially living in Darwin and the Top End for 6 years. . .

    So after a while I came up with the Billabong mix. I thought well that´s sweet, happy with that, what´s my next project? . . Then. . . shortly after, the haunting Ghost mix came thru the mist. . . then the Thoroughbred dance mix, and finally after the dust from all the horses had settled, sitting around the campfire with the Coolabah mix & storytime. . . 

. . . Wow, get off that brumby, what a ride. . .

   I feel subconsciously I had wished to create a new version of Matilda that everyone could relate to, but the Aussies are a pretty diverse & varied lot, especially these days, so it took me 4 versions to cover the spectrum of musical styles. I figured every Aussie, and probably most other folk would like at least one of these. . .

   Very proud of the Aussie spirit, all of us, very proud of these songs, hope you enjoy them all, or at least one. . .

   Time also for the spirit of the swagman to rise out of the billabongs once more. . .

   Time to go walkabout & come a Waltzing Matilda . . .

however that appeals to you in your own way. . .

Happy travels. . . 

   Although ´Matilda´ is an iconic Australian spirited anthem, I wished also to pay homage to the spirit of the original inhabitants of this Great Southern Land. . .

   The indigenous people, the original caretakers of this land. Those who lived here so much longer than the settlers, yet often left in their travels little more than campfire ash and footprints. . .   

   May we all find our way to heal in the present, (which is the only gift we really have), and learn from their example of respect and care for this land that we all now share. . . And may we also care for & respect ourselves & each other. . . Peace. . .




All tracks composed & produced by Jaiv

All vocals by Zuni 

   My personal view on the Waltzing Matilda story. . .

For me the swagman´s story is more allegorical than factual, more triumph than tragedy. His current state represents his psyche, limitations and struggles. . . He´s in survival mode. . . 

   I feel his dying/suicide is not necessarily one of physical death, (which is one way of transforming) but of transformation to a better version of himself by ´killing´ off the old limiting self to make way (give birth) for a new expanded version of himself. Epitomised in the I´d rather die than be imprisoned scenario, a call to free the soul and be at peace, whole, complete. . .

Expanding beyond survival to prosper. . . to be free. . . 

   This also ties in with the Indigenous practice of going walkabout. You go out to find your authentic self, to become more, solve a challenge, or whatever the focus may be, and you don´t come back till you´ve done it, solved it, resolved it or killed off that old pattern or part of you and come back a new you, the best version of yourself yet. Happy days. . .

The Waltzing Matilda project - ABC radio Darwin interview

                        with Mikaela Simpson 27.3.2019

ABC Darwin interview - Jaiv Koltun
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